Tuesday, February 07, 2006

It's a bit strange, having someone else sing songs you've written, especially if you've gotten really accustomed to singing them yourself. But I really do think it's beginning to work. Just have to put in so much more time.

Dunno what's happening with work though.. there just seems to be more and more to do, more and more that's taking me away from playing and writing music. Or am I just being hog headed and whiny. Work is good, after all. Pays the bills. So I shouldn't complain, I guess. Our big clients now want us to be a full-fledged agency, a one-stop shop that would probably make the most sense for them, but I wonder if I have the time, mindspace, ambition, and the drive to plunge into something like that. I know there's a lot of money to be made and I know I'd probably be good at what needs to be done, but. But. Ah heck.


At 2:00 AM, Blogger psychacid said...

Nah...dont think its working.

The Pascal dude doesnt do any justice to your stuff.


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